Converting timestamps into local time

Differences between UTC time and local time or summertime

The rules for converting UTC timestamps into local time (or vice versa) are stored in the tables TTZZ, TTZR, TTZD, TTZDF, and TTZDV. TTZZ contains the time zones and the rules for the time difference between the time zone, its summertime, and UTC time. The differences themselves are stored in tables TTZR and TTZD.

Summertime rules

The rules for the beginning and end of summertime in the different time zones are stored in tables TTZDF and TTZDV. Fixed-date rules are stored in table TTZDF, variable rules in table TTZDV. Where summertime is determined by fixed-date rules, the beginning and end of summertime are linked firmly to dates for a particular year. For variable rules, you can specify a year from which the rule applies. The beginning and end dates are given as a day in the n-th week of the month (for example, summertime begins on the first Sunday in March).

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